
Diary/ Nhật ký

Linh Nguyen

ws22-23 / ba / Prof. Axel Loytved

Plotterpapier, Permanetmarker 350 x 250 cm

Täglich notierte ich meine Ideen und Gedanken. Der „Stream of Consciousness“ wechselt zwischen Vietnamesisch und Englisch. Die Papierbahnen falte ich zu einem raumgreifenden Gebirge.

Printpaper, Marker pen, 350x250cm

In this project I write everything in my head down on a total 100 meter long printing paperroll everyday. Subsconciously and unsubsconciously. My thoughts are mainly expressed in two languages : Vietnamese and English, as it is my usual habit to shuffle my thoughts in those two. After that, I built mountains with my written paper as a way of expression, showing how immerse and endless a human's stream of consciousness can be.